Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Viking Gods

Aegir – beer, gold, hospitality, sea & water.

Baldur – light, wisdom & wisdom.

Bil – destiny & weaving.

Bragi - knowledge.

Eir – healing, medicine & women.

Forseti – justice & peace

Frey – fertility & travel

Freya - fertility, prophecy, sex, sexuality (feminine), war, wealth & weather.

Frigg – fertility, marriage & motherhood,

Fulla/Volla – grain, messenger & virgins.

Gefjon – generosity, prophecy, sea & virgins.

Gna – horses, messenger & travel.

Gullveig – gold & triple goddess

Heimdal – guardian, light & watchman of the gods.

Hel – underworld

– communication, courage & messenger.

Hlin – consolation & protection of men.

Hod - war.

Hoenir – intelligence, light & silence.

Huldra – song, trees, forests & woodlands.

Idun – youth.

Jord/Fjorgyn – earth.

Kvasir – peace, poetry & wisdom.

Lodur - speech.

Lofn – love, marriage & passion.

Loki – On the day of Ragnarok, Loki’s chains will break and he will lead the giants into battle against the gods.

Magni – strength.

Mimir – wisdom.

Modi – courage.

Nanna -cleanliness, the moon & purification.

Nerthus – earth, peace, poetry, trees, forests & woodlands

Njord – sea & wind.

Norns – destiny & fate.

Odin – god of death, knowledge, poetry, rune magic, travel, war, warriors, & wisdom.

Ran – sea.

Saga – prophecy.

Sif - crops.

Sjofn/Vjofn – harmony, love & marriage.

Skadi – hunting & skiing.

Snotra - gentleness, knowledge, self-discipline & wisdom.

Syn - guardian & justice.

Thor – the life force, lightning, strength, thunder & thunder storms

Tiwaz/Tyr – battle, courage, justice, law, solemn oaths & war.

Ull – hunting & skiing.

Vali - war.

Var - marriage, promises & vows

– speech.

Vidar – freedom, independence & strength.

Vili - will.

Vor – contracts, faith, insight, marriage, promises & vows, self-discipline & wisdom.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

athletics day

on tuesday our syndicate had a athletics day i was in the 10 yr old boys group we did long jump high jump coytes and tennis ball throw spints & long distance running at the end we did the class relays i pretty sure room 2 won all of the races .

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


These are some more great pictures.the flower is a manuka from Totaranui, the bird is a blue Robin or Tomtit and the last two pictures are of the lake at Lewis or Arthur's pass down south.

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Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Yesterday our syndicate held the speech finals in the library. We haven't been told who the two winners are. I hope that kezia and Max get to go to the championships.My speech was on ships. When I first saw myself on the srceen I thought I looked worse than old ''Grandma Goblin''. There was a huge variety of speech's at the finals. the two funniest would have to be Nick And Max's speech's, Nicks one was on his rather overweight cat Bilbo. The funniest part of Max's speech was when he said '' no unfortunately for me and maybe you in the future lake Air is as dry as Helen Clark's sense of humor''.